System Name | co-polk r 4 mcintosh |
E.164 | 218-825-6814 |
Room | room 4 |
City | mcintosh |
Voice | 218-281-2332 |
Status | Deployed |
Notes | Primary Contact is Jody Trandem Was in Fosston. Moved fall of 2017 to Bjella Building 240 SW Cleveland Ave., McIntosh MN 56556 |
Conformance | Not determined |
Connection | OK |
Seating Capacity | 12 |
Address | McIntosh,MN |
LastUpdateStamp | 2024-10-08-00:24:34 |
contact type | name | phone |
Site Scheduling | JODY TRANDEM | 218-435-7201 |
Update information on this system.