System Name | umdvj r med 148 duluth |
E.164 | 218-279-2602 |
Room | room med 148 |
City | Duluth |
Voice | 218-726-8647 |
Status | Deployed |
Notes | No primary contact, any listed can assist. Requests for this site must be made through the listed contacts. Charges from UMD may apply for use of this site Site info updated by Dan Schlies 12/09/09. Dan is Video Production IT. |
Conformance | Not determined |
Connection | OK |
Seating Capacity | 10 |
Address | 1035 UNIV DR- UMD,,DULUTH,MN,55812 |
LastUpdateStamp | 2024-10-06-20:27:04 |
No contacts listed.
Update information on this system.