Information on System 'co-carlton r public health cloquet'
System Name | co-carlton r public health cloquet |
E.164 | 218-279-2608 |
Room | room public health |
City | Cloquet |
Voice | 218-384-9137 |
Status | Deployed |
Notes | Primary contact is Tom Shay All video requests to their PHHS Tech Support. Room can be expanded to 40 upon special request. Changes per Tom 5/12/17
Conformance | Not determined |
Connection | OK |
Seating Capacity | 12 |
Address | 14 N. 11TH ST.,,CLOQUET,MN,55720 |
LastUpdateStamp | 2025-01-21-01:15:24 |
contact type | name | phone |
Site Scheduling | PHHS TECHSUPPORT | 218-878-2865 |
Update information on this system.