Information on System 'neat-umd pharm 6 duluth'
System Name | neat-umd pharm 6 duluth |
E.164 | 218-725-7755 |
Room | room pharm 6 |
City | Duluth |
Voice | 218-726-6732 |
Status | Deployed |
Notes | Primary contact is Jim Bovee. Requests for this site must be made through the Primary Contact. Charges from NEAT may apply for the use of this site Univ of MN Duluth |
Conformance | Not determined |
Connection | OK |
Seating Capacity | 0 |
Address | 10 UNIVERSITY DR.,U OF M,DULUTH,MN,55811 |
LastUpdateStamp | 2024-11-10-00:48:45 |
contact type | name | phone |
Site Scheduling | JIM BOVEE | 218-262-6788 |
Site Scheduling | SCOTT HANSEN | 218-262-6787 |
Update information on this system.