Information on System 'offnet-r ip project turnabout granitefalls'
System Name | offnet-r ip project turnabout granitefalls |
E.164 | |
Room | room ip project turnabout |
City | Granite Falls |
Voice | |
Status | Deployed |
Notes | Request site by calling 651-431-2070 SITE MUST dial in to MNIT bridged events MNIT must provide dialing instructions to site contact. Connects via Polycom verified 1/16/18 Main number is 320-564-4911 |
Conformance | |
Connection | OK |
Seating Capacity | 0 |
Address | |
LastUpdateStamp | 2025-01-21-01:15:24 |
contact type | name | phone |
Site Scheduling | CAMERON ZETAH | 320-564-4911 |
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